All Tours: 4
From Wheat To Flour
Minnesota's wheat empire lasted for about a century and reshaped the state's landscape and economy around producing wheat and flour. Beginning in the late 1800s, small pioneer farms in the southeast planted the state's first wheat…
Northwoods Tourism
Going “up north” has saturated the language of Minnesotan vacationers since the early 20th century. Though industry in the Northwoods landscape originated from its abundant timber resources, the land’s expansive lakes, countless white and red pines,…
Minneapolis Water Works
Lying beneath the streets and homes of Minneapolis are over 1,000 miles of water pipes. These pipes carry water from pumping and filtration systems along the Mississippi River to thousands of homes and businesses and cycle waste back into the river.…
"A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall": The Minnesota Acid Rain Story
In 1982, Minnesota passed the Minnesota Acid Deposition Control Act, requiring the state to lower sulfur dioxide emissions, and in doing so, raising state taxes.
Environmentally, Minnesota demonstrated a consciousness of acid rain that was well…