Featured Stories
A Success Story
To experienced organizations committed to protecting Minnesota’s natural resources, acid rain presented a major but, ultimately, manageable threat. The citizenry of Minnesota took forceful action…
Gooseberry Falls: Cosmetic Conservation
Gooseberry Falls State Park, situated on the bank of Lake Superior, embodies the shift of land use from extraction to recreation and reveals that the conservation mindset has always been present…
Mills of Minneapolis
The mills of Minneapolis had a humble beginning, but they soon emerged as a world-renowned flour powerhouse. On their path to fame, the mills struggled to tame St. Anthony Falls and to mill and market…
Take a Tour
"A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall": The Minnesota Acid Rain Story
4 Locations ~ Curated by Maja Black, Sarah Goodman, & the Minnesota Environments TeamNorthwoods Tourism
4 Locations ~ Curated by Charlie Kilman, Ben Pletta, & the Minnesota Environments TeamFrom Wheat To Flour
4 Locations ~ Curated by Takuya Amagai, Sahree Kasper, & the Minnesota Environments TeamMinneapolis Water Works
5 Locations ~ Curated by Justin Berchiolli, Isaac Shapiro, & the Minnesota Environments TeamMinnesota Environments
A project by Minnesota EnvironmentsMinnesota Environments is a free mobile app and website that lets you explore Minnesota's environmental history from your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Using geo-located maps and multimedia presentations, Minnesota Environments brings to life the people, places, ecosystems, and developments that have shaped Minnesota's environmental past. Each of the stories also invites you to join the conversation by contributing your insights, experiences, and thoughts. Come, explore the land of 10,000 stories with us. Read more About Us